Our Mission

To build a science of data-driven democracy reform using math, law, and practical strategies for change.

Vision: Voters gain and maintain the power to choose their elected officials instead of politicians suppressing voters’ rights to fair and meaningful representation.

Values: We are nonpartisan, independent, evidence-based, and multidisciplinary.  We answer honestly to data.  Objective data is gathered and analyzed using sound methodology, clear processes, and transparency. All the research tactics we use to predict the implications and consequences of reform are empirically supported.

Neutrality: One challenge for EIL is avoiding partisan politics. Candidates who uphold democracy may come from either party or no party. EIL’s role is to identify such opportunities, without advocating directly for the election or defeat of specific candidates. In addition, EIL will determine which reforms are likely to be party-neutral in the long term. Our information is a public resource, and its widespread accessibility is a primary interest. We leave explicit advocacy to other groups, and we do not invest our resources into specific election outcomes. Over the years, EIL has maintained this integrity while engaging with 50+ nonprofit and organizational policy partners.