
Majority Rules: Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Majority Rules: Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Join EIL founder Sam Wang for a special screening of Majority Rules at the Princeton Public Library, to be followed by panel discussion with Professor Wang and Senator Andrew Zwicker.

Presented in partnership with Represent Us New Jersey and Voter Choice New Jersey, the film follows as Alaska looks to adopt a pair of election reforms that will eliminate traditional party primaries and allow voters to rank candidates by preference. Filmmaker AJ Schnack travels across the country interviewing reform supporters and opponents asking how the American electoral system become so dysfunctional, and whether it is possible that changing the way we vote might transform our entire system for the better.

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Ismar Volic & Sam Wang: Making Democracy Count

Ismar Volic & Sam Wang: Making Democracy Count

EIL founder Sam Wang joins author Ismar Volic as he presents his new book. "Making Democracy Count" explains how we can repair our democracy by rebuilding the mechanisms that power it.

This event is a collaboration between Labyrinth Books collaboration and will be held in the community room of Princeton Public Library.

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Data to Bridge the Divide: How Computational Science Can Save Democracy

Data to Bridge the Divide: How Computational Science Can Save Democracy

  • The Rockefeller University - Caspary Auditorium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In an Insight Lecture titled Data to Bridge the Divide: How Computational Science Can Save Democracy, Princeton University neuroscientist Sam Wang will discuss his development and use of statistical tools to shed light on American politics and elections. With hard data, he notes, solutions can be implemented to ensure that the government more accurately represents public sentiment, responds to its constituents, and repairs trust between the citizenry and its elected officials.

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